Permaculture Design • Consultation • Installation • Education
Co creating ecologically diverse and nutrient dense landscapes for humans and habitat
Permaculture is a holistic design process that maximizes biodiversity, ecological plant and soil functions. It is a systems approach that can be applied to not only landscaping and homesteading but social, political and economic sectors sectors as well. The process of design and methodology is informed by natural patterns that enhance the relationships between the parts of a system, maximizing symbiotic interactions and benefiting the whole.
The modern application of permaculture was founded by Bill Mollison, an Australian scientist and teacher, and his student David Holmgren, an environmental designer, but many of its principles and methodologies come from indigenous peoples who lived in balance with natural rhythms and shared their ways despite the deadly intentions imposed on them by colonization.
Permaculture Ethics
Earth Care
We are inherently connected to the Earth and dependent upon clean water, soil, air, forests and oceans. It is our duty to act responsibly and care for the systems that sustain us. We must move beyond the concept of sustainability to a more regenerative approach that leads to thriving ecosystems of which we are a part.
Taking care of ourselves and each other is vital for our ability to do the necessary work of our times. To actualize our potential we must nurture the different parts of our minds, bodies, and spirits and develop an “inside-out” approach to cultivating peace, abundance and thriving communities. People care also embraces social justice to ensure that all people not only have access to life giving resources, but also the ability to actualize food and land sovereignty. We must take into account intersectionality and work towards reparations and liberation for land and all people.
Formerly known as Fair Share, I prefer to use the term Future Share. This concept helps us align our values to ensure that there is enough clean water, air, soil and access to ancestral knowledge based on balance and egalitarianism for future generations. This ethic also encompasses a practice of only taking what you need "fair share" to ensure there is enough to go around while also distributing abundance to those who are most vulnerable to institutionalized or internalized systems of oppression.